Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Skay Family Dart Vacation ~ Before the Trip

This is the Skay Family.  We met them in Yuma, Arizona on our most recent 2011 Dart Vacation.  They were so very generous to give us the opportunity to take a ride in their Dune Buggy in the dunes west of Yuma.  We got to know them a little bit and their story is incredible.  When we decided to send another deserving family on a 2012 Dart Vacation, the Skay family was the obvious choice.  We're very excited to find out where they will be traveling and thrilled that Dylan's recovery has been so successful.

 The story of the Skay Family: Dan and Keri Skay have a son, Dylan, who was diagnosed with diabetes at age 10.  He got the flu and his sugars went through the roof.  When his parents took him to the ER, he ended up going into a diabetic coma in the waiting room.  He was in a coma for a long time and had 4 strokes involving his brain stem while in the coma.  It has been a long road, but he is recently able to walk again.  Praise God!  They took the vacation to Yuma as soon as he could walk alone and did the trip they had scheduled for 2 weeks following the incident in the ER.  Because of the coma, they cancelled their trip and it's been years until they could take this recent trip.  They have been driving great distances weekly for Dylan's physical therapy and all the time and effort is paying off.  He is doing great!

It's amazing to me the way God works.  I was a 24 year old walking around Home Depot buying the items to create the map I gifted to Bob that started this tradition and here we are almost 10 years later sending a Home Depot employee and his family on a dart vacation of their own.  God is great!

Dylan in February 2012

Bob and Dan Skay on the Dune Buggy

YouTube video of our dune buggy ride:

Below is a sample of communication between Keri Skay and I.

From: Keri Skay
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2012 19:53:16 -0700
Subject: Re: Possible Fox & Friends Segment Opportunity
To: Jen Westerfield <>

Hi Jen :)
Sorry, I just checked emails today. Congratulations on your happy
news!! I know, we were just talking about how it was almost the end of
April and we should be hearing something soon, we are very excited
too!!! I got an email from Pam Dillon from Dayton news, she wanted to
use some information about Dylan for an article she was writing, I
emailed her back a few days ago, I hope she lets me know when she
writes the article so I can read it :)
We are all doing really well, Dylan continues to improve daily and is
on the honor roll at school :) we are all doing really well and so
much looking forward to our vacation!!!
Hope you are all doing well too!
 ----- Original Message -----
 From: Jen Westerfield
 To: Keri Skay
 Sent: Saturday, April 14, 2012 2:01 PM
 Subject: Re: Possible Fox & Friends Segment Opportunity

 Hi Keri!

 I just wanted to touch base.  We heard from Fox & Friends this
morning with our hotel information, etc.  We are getting excited as
the show is only 2 weeks from today.  I'm 12 weeks pregnant with our
4th child and feeling very nauseous, but hopefully that subsides
before the morning of :-)  She told me where to be and what to wear,
but not much about the time and content.  I'll be in touch again as I
learn more.

 Hope all is well!


 On Sat, Feb 11, 2012 at 10:44 AM, <Keri Skay> wrote:

   Hi Jen,

   How are you? We hope you and your family are doing well! We are
doing really well on this end. Dylan continues to make such progress!!
He is so AMAZING!!! He is making HUGE strides in his therapy, he is
now able to walk much longer distances and is also shocking all his
therapists, family and friends with his ability to continue to make
strides. He decided a few weeks ago that he wanted to ride his bike,
so we put his helmet on him and Dan and I ran next to the bike in case
he lost his balance. Of course he didn't really need us, he just
started pedaling away and has been doing loops in our cul-de-sac since
then!! He loves riding his bike :o) We watched the video link you
sent, that was so great!!!  Thank you so much to everyone for thinking
of us for this wonderful opportunity!!! I can't tell you how much it
means to our family that you thought of us when you were thinking of
giving this vacation to another family!! It really touched us. You are
such special people and have really touched our lives with your
generosity! It will be an amazing trip!!! We are very excited and so
lucky to have met you and Bob!!!
   Thank you so much for keeping us in the loop!!! We are looking
forward to watching the show in April!!
   Take care and have a great day!!!
   ~ Keri, Dan & Dylan
   ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jen Westerfield"
   To: Keri Skay
   Sent: Saturday, February 11, 2012 4:21 AM
   Subject: Fwd: Possible Fox & Friends Segment Opportunity

     Hi Keri!

     I wanted to forward you the communication between Fox News and myself
     in order to keep you in the loop (see below).

     I have told your story regarding Dylan's turn in health and subsequent
     rehab milestones to a lot of people as the story was told to me by
     Brandon.  I hope I wrote all the facts down right!  It sounds like you
     have been through a lot and as a mom, I can only imagine the fear in
     those early days.  I praise God for Dylan's healing thus far and will
     continue praying for his progress.

     One of the places we shared our (your) story was at 3 different
     services at church last weekend.  Charlie, who interviewed us, is the
     head pastor of this 3,000+ church in south Dayton, Ohio.  He married
     us in 2006 and came in to do this interview.  An associate pastor give
     the sermon.  He did a great job!  I really enjoyed the service and
     would encourage you to watch the entire thing.  You can view the
     podcast at:

     I hope things are going well on your end and that you have a
great weekend!

     Talk soon,
     Jen Westerfield

     Our mission: To develop and nourish relationships within communities
     while making a difference, serving Christ and positively affecting
     people's lives.
     "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works
     and glorify your Father in Heaven" Matthew 5:16

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